About Bachkovo Monastery

Religion, Monasteries, Interesting Places

The Bachkovo Monastery of the Dormition of the Theotokos (Bulgarian: Бачковски манастир "Успение Богородично", Bachkovski manastir, Georgian: პეტრიწონის მონასტერი, Petritsonis Monasteri), archaically the Petritsoni Monastery or Monastery of the Mother of God Petritzonitissa is a major Eastern Orthodox monastery in Southern Bulgaria. It is located on the right bank of the Chepelare River, 189 km from Sofia and 10 km south of Asenovgrad, and is directly subordinate to the Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church. The monastery is known and appreciated for the unique combination of Byzantine, Georgian and Bulgarian culture, united by the common faith.

Source From: Wikipedia
Зелената пътека, Асеновград, България, 4251

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