About Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma

Historic Architecture, Architecture, Interesting Places, Other Buildings And Structures

The Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma (Rome National Central Library), in Rome, is one of two central national libraries of Italy, along with Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze in Florence. In total, 9 national libraries exist, out of 46 state libraries.

The library's mission is to collect and preserve all the publications in Italy and the most important foreign works, especially those related to Italy, and make them available to anyone. The collection currently includes more than 7,000,000 printed volumes, 2,000 incunabula, 25,000 cinquecentine (16th century books), 8,000 manuscripts, 10,000 drawings, 20,000 maps, and 1,342,154 brochures.

Source From: Wikipedia
Via dei Mille, Roma, RM, LAZ, Italia, 00185

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