About C.E. Forrester House

Historic Architecture, Architecture, Interesting Places, Other Buildings And Structures

The C.E. Forrester House is a historic house at 140 Danville Road in Waldron, Arkansas. It is a two-story wood frame I-house, with an attached single-story wing extending from the rear of the center, giving it a common T-shaped plan. The original front facade has a two-story gable-roofed porch extending across part of it, while the south-facing side of the wing, now serving as the main entrance, has a vernacular Craftsman-style porch with a shed roof extending along its length. The house was built in 1896, with the wing added by 1904; it was built by Charlie Forrester, an Arkansas native who operated a number of retail and commercial business in Waldron.

Source From: Wikipedia
669, Danville Road, Scott County, Arkansas, United States of America, 72958

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