About Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, Constanța
Religion, Cathedrals, Interesting Places
The Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, Constanța (Romanian: Catedrala Sfinții Apostoli Petru și Pavel din Constanţa), located at 25 Arhiepiscopiei Street, Constanța, Romania, is the seat of the Romanian Orthodox Archbishop of Tomis, as well as a monastery. Situated between Ovid Square and the Black Sea in front of the Archbishop's Palace, it was built on the city's peninsular zone in 1883-1885 following plans by architects Alexandru Orăscu and Carol Benesch and, for the interior, Ion Mincu. The cornerstone was laid on 4 September 1883, during the reign of Iosif Gheorghian, Metropolitan of All Romania. The church was consecrated on 22 May 1895.