About Château de Tanlay

Historic Architecture, Architecture, Fortifications, Historic, Interesting Places, Manor Houses, Castles

The Château de Tanlay at Tanlay (Yonne) is a French château built in Burgundy during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, famous for its beauty and the setting. The walls are of limestone under tall sloping slate roofs à la française, surrounding three sides of a central court with cylindrical towers at its four corners. The château is entirely encircled by its rectilinear moat and approached on axis across a bridge marked by paired obelisks through a gatehouse (illustration) built in 1558, which straddles the low balustrade and projects forward into the moat. The perfect symmetry of the cour d'honneur is part of Tanlay's serene charm.

Source From: Wikipedia
2, Grande Rue Basse, Avallon, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France, 89430

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