About Collegiate Basilica of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Wiślica

Religion, Churches, Interesting Places, Other Churches

The Collegiate church in Wiślica (full name: Collegiate Basilica of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Wiślica, Polish: Bazylika kolegiacka Narodzenia Najświętszej Marii Panny w Wiślicy) is a Gothic church, erected in 1350 in the southern Polish village of Wiślica, during the reign of King Casimir III of Poland. It was built on foundations of two earlier Romanesque churches, of which remains have been preserved in the crypt.

Since September 8, 2005, it has been designated a Minor Basilica.

Source From: Wikipedia
22, Jana Długosza, gmina Wiślica, świętokrzyskie, Polska, 28-160

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