About Don Fernando Pacheco Adobe
Historical Places, Historic, Interesting Places, Historic Districts
The Don Fernando Pacheco Adobe is located at 3119 Grant Street in Concord, California.The Fernando Pacheco Adobe is the only Concord landmark listed in all three Historical Registries: entry on the National Register occurred on June 6, 1980; the California Registered landmark number is 455; and the Concord Historical Landmark designation is 1-26-26/5458. The Adobe was built by Don Fernando in the early 1850s as the base of operations for his growing ranch activities, and as his family’s formal residence. Fernando was the oldest son of Don Salvio Pacheco. He was born on May 30, 1818 while his father was assigned to a Militia-Guard unit at the Pueblo of San Jose. At age 17, he was sent to take possession and mark the boundaries of his father’s 17,921 acre land grant. Fernando was given 1,500 acres as initial share of the rancho. He subsequently married Pasquala (Figeroa) (Juarez) – a widow. Their six children: Pedro, Bonifacio, Cipriana, Maria Asuncion (who married Jose Julian Cantua), Librada and Bersabe were raised at the Adobe. Don Fernando’s family enjoyed a reputation as gracious hosts. They were famous for their generosity and extensive fiestas on Adobe’s then lush, well irrigated grounds. The Adobe’s 32” thick walls were built of local adobe – mud.