About Dr. Van Buren Knott House
Historic Architecture, Architecture, Interesting Places, Other Buildings And Structures
The Dr. Van Buren Knott House is a historic building located in Sioux City, Iowa, United States. Knott was a prominent local physician. He had Chicago architect Howard Van Doren Shaw design this Colonial Revival-style house, which is considered an excellent example of the style. The 2½-story brick structure features a symmetrical facade, an entrance porch with Doric columns, a Palladian window above the front entrance, a single-story semi-circular room in the back, and a hip roof with dormers. On the south side of the house is a full width porch, with a sleeping porch on the second floor. A pergola in the back leads to a detached two-car garage, which was built a couple of years after the house. The house and garage were listed together on the National Register of Historic Places in 1999.