About Garfield Elementary School (Garfield, Arkansas)

Historic Architecture, Architecture, Interesting Places, Other Buildings And Structures

The Garfield Elementary School is a historic school building on United States Route 62 in Garfield, Arkansas, near its junction with Arkansas Highway 127. It is a single-story rusticated stone building, built in 1941 to replace a nearby building which had fallen into disrepair. It is a T-shaped structure, with a long east-west section housing offices and classrooms, and a projecting auditorium to the rear. The prominent features of the main facade are two projecting castellated entrance porticos, which have raised parapets, and segmented-arch openings.

The building was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1996.

Source From: Wikipedia
18432, Marshall Street, Benton County, Arkansas, United States of America, 72732

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