About Garfield Elementary School (Moline, Illinois)

Historic Architecture, Architecture, Interesting Places, Other Buildings And Structures

Garfield Elementary School is a historic school building located at 1518 25th Avenue in Moline, Illinois. The school was built in 1902 to replace the original Garfield Elementary, which had burned down the previous year. The original school opened in the 1870s and was the first to serve Moline's Stewartville neighborhood; when the new school opened in 1902, it was still the only school in Stewartville. Local architect Olof Z. Cervin designed the brick Classical Revival building. In 1955, an addition designed by William F. Bernbrock provided the school with a new gymnasium and more classrooms.

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1532, 25th Avenue, Moline, Rock Island County, Illinois, United States of America, 61265

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