About Giurgiu Clocktower
Architecture, Towers, Interesting Places, Clock Towers
The Giurgiu Clocktower (Romanian: Turnul Ceasornicului) is a Historic Monument located in the City of Giurgiu, Romania. It has been designated by the Romanian Ministry of Culture and National Patrimony as monument of national importance. The city of Girgiu is located on the Danube river near the Bulgarian border. The city's location on the river made it a strategic asset for the Ottoman Empire. The Ottomans started construction of the tower in 1770 and completed construction in 1771. Its initial purpose was to function as a military watchtower used for surveillance over the city and the river. It was later used as a lookout for fire prevention, similar to the guet royal and guet bourgeois ("burgess watch") established in France, which lasted until the 18th century. After the Ottoman Empire lost control of the area, the tower underwent several modifications becoming what is known today as the Giurgiu Clocktower.