About Gornja Radgona railway station

Railway Stations, Industrial Facilities, Interesting Places

Gornja Radgona railway station (Slovene: Železniška postaja Gornja Radgona; German: Bahnhof Oberradkersburg) serves the municipality of Gornja Radgona, Slovenia. It was opened on 16 October 1890, as part of the extension of the Radkersburger Bahn from Bad Radkersburg, in present-day Austria, to Ljutomer (then known as Luttenberg), in present-day Slovenia.

At the end of World War II, the Radkersburger Bahn was cut at the border between Austria and the then Yugoslavia. Since then, Gornja Radgona station has been the terminus of what had become a branch line from Ljutomer.

Source From: Wikipedia
8, Panonska ulica, Slovenija, 9250

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