About Grand Army of the Republic Hall (Boise, Idaho)

Historic Architecture, Architecture, Interesting Places, Other Buildings And Structures

The Grand Army of the Republic Hall is an historic Grand Army of the Republic building located at 714 W. State Street in Boise, Idaho, in the United States. The hall was built in 1892 by members of the GAR as a memorial to the Union Army veterans of the Civil War. It was the meeting place of Phil Sheridan GAR Post No. 4, which was named for Union General Philip Sheridan. It was one of 32 GAR halls in Idaho.

On January 21, 1974, it was added to the National Register of Historic Places.

The building, which is across the street from the Idaho State Capitol, is now used by the University of Idaho for offices.

Source From: Wikipedia
518, Hyde Park, North 8th Street, Boise City, Ada County, Idaho, United States of America, 83702

Nearest places in Grand Army of the Republic Hall (Boise, Idaho)