About Jewish cemetery of Kleinbardorf
Cemeteries, Historic, Burial Places, Interesting Places
The Jewish cemetery of Kleinbardorf began operations in 1574 on the so-called Steilen or Wartberg southeast of Kleinbardorf, in northern Bavaria. The area is now known only as Judenhügel (Jewish hills).
The cemetery is located within an early Middle Ages ring wall approximately 1.5 Kilometers long.
The grounds has a total area of 21,050 square meters. In 1987 there were approximately 4400 gravestones and in 1933 there were approximately 20,000 gravestones. The cemetery is the second largest Jewish cemetery in Bavaria, the largest being Munich.
Source From:
Judenfriedhof, Bad Königshofen i. Grabfeld (VGem), Bayern, Deutschland, 97633