About Lac qui Parle Mission
Historic, Historical Places, Archaeology, Interesting Places, Historic Districts, Other Archaeological Sites
Lac qui Parle Mission is a pre-territorial mission in Chippewa County, Minnesota, United States, which was founded in June 1835 by Dr. Thomas Smith Williamson and Alexander Huggins after fur trader Joseph Renville invited missionaries to the area. Lac qui Parle is a French translation of the native Dakota name, meaning "lake which speaks". In the 19th century, the first dictionary of the Dakota language was written, and part of the Bible was translated into that language for the first time at a mission on the site of the park. It was a site for Christian missionary work to the Sioux for nearly 20 years. Renville was related to and had many friends in the native community, and after his death in 1846, the business was taken over by the "irreligious" Martin McLeod. The Indians became more hostile to the mission, and in 1854 the missionaries abandoned the site and relocated to the Upper Sioux Agency.