About Little St Mary's, Cambridge

Religion, Churches, Interesting Places, Other Churches

Little St Mary's or St Mary the Less is a Church of England parish church in Cambridge, England, on Trumpington Street between Emmanuel United Reformed Church and Peterhouse. The church Is in the Diocese of Ely and follows the 'Anglo-Catholic' or 'high-church' tradition of the Church of England. In addition to its main Sunday Mass, the church has a strong tradition of daily morning and evening prayer, regular weekday Communion and the keeping of church festivals. The church has a particular ministry helping men and women to explore possible vocations to the priesthood. Little St Mary's has active overseas mission links, provides support to local mental health projects, and participates in Hope Cambridge's Churches Homeless Project. At present, the vicar is The Rev. Dr Robert Mackley.

Source From: Wikipedia
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom, CB2 1QG

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