About Monastery of Fitero

Religion, Historical Places, Historic, Monasteries, Interesting Places, Historic Settlements

The Monastery of Fitero (Spanish: Monasterio de Santa María la Real or Monasterio de Santa María de Nienzebas) is a Cistercian monastery located at Fitero, Navarre, Spain, on the banks of the Alhama River.

It was founded, on a different site, in 1141 as part of the Cistercian expansion into Spain from the center at Escaladieu Abbey, and moved to Fitero in 1152. Durand (Durandus, Durando) was its first abbot, followed by St. Raymond of Fitero, who later founded the Order of Calatrava.

The floor plan of the church is similar to that in the monasteries of Clairvaux and Pontigny, a Latin cross plan with three naves, the ambulatory sanctuary with five side chapels.

Source From: Wikipedia
Calle Mayor, Navarra - Nafarroa, Navarra - Nafarroa, España, 31593

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