About Monastery of Saint Dominic of Silos (the Old)
Religion, Monasteries, Interesting Places
The Monastery of Saint Dominic of Silos (the Old) (Spanish: Monasterio de Santo Domingo de Silos (el Antiguo)) is a Cistercian monastery in Toledo. It was first founded in the 6th century and rebuilt in 1085 by Pedro Alcocer during the reign of Alfonso VI of Leon and Castille. It underwent major rebuilding work in the second half of the 16th century, in which the mudéjar church was demolished. The new building was begun by Nicolás de Vergara and completed by the royal architect Juan de Herrera, as well as being provided with a new altarpiece by El Greco.
Source From:
Toledo, Toledo, Castilla-La Mancha, España, 45071