About Nevada-California-Oregon Railway Passenger Station

Railway Stations, Industrial Facilities, Interesting Places

The Nevada–California–Oregon Railway Passenger Station (also known as the Lakeview Depot) is a historic train station in Lakeview, Oregon, United States. It was built in 1912 by contractor I. A. Underwood from plans by architect Frederic DeLongchamps. It was the northern terminus of the Nevada–California–Oregon Railway. The Southern Pacific Railroad company owned and operated the depot from 1928 until 1975, when it was closed. Since 1978, the building has been used as a law office and later a private residence. Because of its importance to local history, the depot was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1983.

Source From: Wikipedia
199, South N Street, Lake County, Oregon, United States of America, 97630

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