About Orthodox Church of the Holy Virgin, Hope, Luby and their mother Zofia (Sosnowiec)

Religion, Churches, Interesting Places, Eastern Orthodox Churches

The Orthodox Church of Sts. Vera, Hope, Loy and the mother of their Zofia (Saints Faith, Hope and Love) in Sosnowiec – the only one existing of the three Orthodox Orthodox churches in Sosnowiec. It is located at Jan Kilinski Street 39. It is a parish church. It is part of the Deaconate of the Diocese of Lodz-Poznan Polish Autocephalous Orthodox Church.

Source From: Wikipedia
33, Osiedle Naftowa, Jana Kilińskiego, Sosnowiec, Sosnowiec, śląskie, Polska, 41-206

Nearest places in Orthodox Church of the Holy Virgin, Hope, Luby and their mother Zofia (Sosnowiec)