About Parnass Tower

View Points, Other, Towers, Architecture, Interesting Places, Other Towers

The Parnass Tower (German: Parnaß-Turm) is an observation tower in the town of Plön in the North German state of Schleswig-Holstein. It sits on the summit of the low hill of Parnaß (a terminal moraine).

It is a 20-metre-high, steel, lattice tower built on a stone plinth with an observation platform 20 metres above the ground (and 85 metres above sea level).

The tower was erected in 1888 by the Plön Tourist Association (Plöner Verschönerungsverein). Following renovation work in 1985 it has been reopened as an observation tower.

On the southern side of the stone base of the tower are three panels with:

Source From: Wikipedia
103, Appelwarder, Rodomstorstraße, Plön, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland, 24306

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