About Pleasant Grove School (Eden, Illinois)

Historic Architecture, Architecture, Interesting Places, Other Buildings And Structures

The Pleasant Grove School is a historic school building located in Logan Township, Peoria County, Illinois, near the community of Eden. The one-room schoolhouse was built in 1856 to educate the children of Pleasant Grove, the name for the surrounding community at the time. The school was built on the same property as the community's church, which has since been demolished, and its cemetery. Local stonemason Joel Lobaugh built the school from locally quarried, rough coursed limestone; his design was utilitarian, with limestone window sills and lintels being the only decorative elements. The school served students until 1945, when all of Logan Township's schools consolidated into a single school in Eden.

Source From: Wikipedia
15214, West Pleasant Grove Road, Peoria County, Illinois, United States of America, 61536

Nearest places in Pleasant Grove School (Eden, Illinois)