About Porto Tram Museum

Museums, Cultural, Interesting Places, Museums Of Science And Technology, Other Technology Museums

The Porto Tram Museum (Museu do Carro Eléctrico) is a museum operated by the Sociedade de Transportes Colectivos do Porto. It was inaugurated in 1992 and is installed in a former thermoelectric power station next to the River Douro in Massarelos, Porto, Portugal. It exhibits material related to the history of trams in Porto. The collection contains 16 electric cars, 5 trailers, and two maintenance vehicles as well as the former equipment of the power plant, which provided electricity for the tram lines.

Source From: Wikipedia
51, Gólgota, Rua da Boa Viagem, Lordelo do Ouro e Massarelos, PRT, Norte, Portugal, 4150-127

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