About Randolph County Courthouse (Arkansas)

Historic Architecture, Architecture, Interesting Places, Other Buildings And Structures

The Randolph County Courthouse is located at the southwest corner of Broadway and North Marr Street in downtown Pocahontas, the county seat of Randolph County, Arkansas. It is a two-story brick and concrete Art Deco building, designed by Eugene John Stern and built in 1940 with funding from the Works Progress Administration. The primary construction material is buff-colored brick, but its raised central section is faced in gray concrete, which is also used in banding around the sides of the building. The central section has an arcade created by four tall fluted square pillars with capitals reminiscent of Corinthian design. The building replaced the old courthouse, an 1870s Italianate building that now houses other civic offices.

Source From: Wikipedia
141, South Marr Street, Randolph County, Arkansas, United States of America, 72455

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