About Romanian Greek Catholic Major Archeparchy of Făgăraș and Alba Iulia

Religion, Other Temples, Interesting Places

The Archeparchy of Făgăraș and Alba Iulia, (Latin: Archidioecesis Fagarasiensis et Albae Iuliensis Romenorum) in Romanian Arhieparhia de Făgăraș și Alba Iulia, is the only archeparchy of the Romanian Church United with Rome (Romanian Greek-Catholic Church). Its Metropolitan, who holds the rank of Major Archbishop (one of only four such posts in the world), is the head (in rank just below a Patriarch) of the whole Greek-Catholic Church of Romania, where all other dioceses (Cluj–Gherla, Lugoj, Maramureș, Oradea Mare, Saint Basil the Great of Bucharest) are his suffragans; only the diocese in America, the Eparchy of St. George is exempt. The Eparchy of St. George does take part in the Synod.

Source From: Wikipedia
Strada Morii, Alba, România, 515400

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