About Saint Mary of the Snows Church, Reșița

Religion, Churches, Interesting Places, Catholic Churches

Saint Mary of the Snows Church, Reșița (Latin: Ecclesia in hon. Beatae Mariae Virginis ad Nives dedicata; Romanian: Biserica romano-catolică Maria Zăpezii; German: Römisch Katholische Kirche Maria Schnee; Hungarian: Havas Boldogasszony-templom) is the first Catholic church of Reșița, Romania. Situated in the old part of the city, it is flanked by the steel works and is closed in by a bridge-tunnel that helps intersection of the public road with industrial activities ways of the steel works. This is typical scenery in most parts of Reșița. The church is dedicated to Mary of the Snows, and simply known by some locals as Mary of the Snow (Romanian: Maria Zăpezii). The present church replaced the original wood church that existed on the same spot.

Source From: Wikipedia
Strada Mihai Viteazu, Caraș-Severin, România, 320240

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