About Sams Plantation Complex Tabby Ruins
Historic, Archaeology, Interesting Places, Other Archaeological Sites
Sams Plantation Complex Tabby Ruins is a historic plantation complex and archaeological site located at Frogmore, Beaufort County, South Carolina. The site, possibly built upon and occupied well before 1783. It includes the ruins and/or archaeological remains of at least 12 tabby structures. They include the main plantation house, a rectangular enclosure consisting of tabby walls, a large tabby kitchen, and five tabby slave quarters. Also on the property were a variety of tabby dependencies including a barn/stable, a smoke house or blade house, a well/dairy house, and a well. The property also includes the Sams family cemetery and Episcopal chapel enclosed by high tabby walls. Other structures include possibly an overseer’s house, a granary/mill, and a tabby cotton house. During and subsequent to the American Civil War the Sams Tabby Complex was occupied by freedman. Following the Civil War the plantation house was destroyed by hurricanes.