About Sardis Presbyterian Church and Cemetery

Religion, Churches, Historical Places, Historic, Interesting Places, Historic Districts, Other Churches

The Sardis Presbyterian Church and Cemetery in Coosa, Georgia. is a historic Presbyterian church property. The cemetery was established in 1836 and the church was built in 1855.

The church's membership declined to just two members in 1979. The church is maintained by the Sardis Preservation Society.

The property was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 2005.

The church is a one-story one-room front-gabled wood frame building with clapboard siding, on a stone foundation, facing west. The north and south sides each have four 9 over 9 windows with c.1877 plantation-style shutters to protect them.

Source From: Wikipedia
Alabama Highway, Floyd County, Georgia, United States of America, 30165

Nearest places in Sardis Presbyterian Church and Cemetery