About Sherwood Equal Rights Historic District

Historic, Historical Places, Interesting Places, Historic Districts

Sherwood Equal Rights Historic District is a national historic district located at Sherwood in Cayuga County, New York. The district consists of 29 properties containing 27 contributing primary buildings, one contributing site (cemetery), three contributing carriage houses and one non-contributing building in the historic core of the hamlet of Sherwood. It encompasses the entire hamlet and includes several commercial / civic structures at the intersection of New York State Route 34B and Sherwod Road. Most of the houses are one or two stories, of heavy timber frame construction and built between the 1820s and about 1910. Located within the district are the separately listed Howland Cobblestone Store and Slocum and Hannah Howland House. The structures commemorate the historical Quaker community's dedication to abolition, women's rights, and education.

Source From: Wikipedia
1701, Sherwood Road, Cayuga County, New York, United States of America, 13026

Nearest places in Sherwood Equal Rights Historic District