About Sigma Sigma–Delta Chi Fraternity House

Historic Architecture, Architecture, Interesting Places, Other Buildings And Structures

The Sigma Sigma–Delta Chi Fraternity House, also known as the Iowa House, is a historic building in Ames, Iowa, United States. It is a large 2½-story brick structure built in 1924. The building is capped with a hip roof that is intersected by steeply-pitched gables at a lower level. There are also wide eaves with exposed beams. A porte-cochère is located on the north side of the building, which is unique feature among the historic fraternity and sorority houses associated with Iowa State University. Architecturally, it is a combination of the American Craftsman, Tudor Revival, and classical features.

Source From: Wikipedia
2612, Knapp Street, Ames, Story County, Iowa, United States of America, 50014

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