About Southside House

Biographical Museums, Historic House Museums, Museums, Cultural, Interesting Places, History Museums

Southside House is a 17th-century house located on the south side of Wimbledon Common. It is Grade II* listed.

Inside, the house contains many examples of 17th century furniture, and memorabilia connected to the Pennington family.

The house passed through the Pennington-Mellor family, eventually coming into the possession of Malcolm Munthe, the son of Hilda Pennington-Mellor and Axel Munthe. During the Second World War Southside House was damaged by German bombs, and Malcolm Munthe devoted his life to restoring the house and another family property, Hellens, creating a private world in which he could enact his perceptions of family history and traditions.

Source From: Wikipedia
The Apostles, Orchard Lane, London, England, United Kingdom, SW20

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