About St Peter's, London Docks

Religion, Churches, Interesting Places, Other Churches

St Peter's, Wapping, is a Grade I listed Anglican church in Wapping Lane, Wapping, London, E1W 2RW.

It was built in 1865–1939, designed by F. H. Pownall.

The church was the first Anglican mission to the poor of London. Work was begun in 1856 by the Revd Charles Lowder MA and a group of priests, all were members of the Society of the Holy Cross. The Society had been founded a year earlier with the express purpose of banding priests to a common rule of life and prayer in mission service.

Wapping was one of the poorest districts in London, a haunt of prostitutes and petty criminals, living alongside those who earned a precarious living from the docks.

Source From: Wikipedia
Raine Street, London, England, United Kingdom, E1W 3AS

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