About Susan S. and Edward J. Cutler House
Historic Architecture, Architecture, Interesting Places, Other Buildings And Structures
The Susan S. and Edward J. Cutler House is a historic house at 12 Woodbine Street in Providence, Rhode Island. It is an L-shaped 1-1/2 story wood frame structure, with a gabled roof and a single-story porch and vestibule in the crook of the L. The front facade has a rectangular projecting bay, with panels below the windows, and a bracketed hip roof. The front and side gables both feature Stick style decorative woodwork. The entry porch roof is bracketed, matching the front bay, and has a jigsawn balustrade. The interior features late Victorian woodwork, plasterwork and original hardware. The house was built in 1880, probably from plans in a published pattern book, and was the first to be built in a relatively new subdivision on Providence's north side. It is a well-preserved example of a "picturesque cottage", a style popularized by a number of 19th-century architects.