About The Procurator's House, Magor

Historic Architecture, Architecture, Interesting Places, Other Buildings And Structures

The Procurator's House, (also known as Magor Mansion and the Church House), Magor, Monmouthshire, is a large, ruined mansion of the sixteenth-century, standing next to St Mary's Church in the centre of the village. Although of ecclesiastical origin, it is unlikely the present house was ever occupied by a Procurator, who was a church official responsible for the collection of tithes. The lands owned by the Church of St Mary were controlled by the Abbey of Anagni, in Italy, in the Middle Ages and it is possible that an earlier building on the same site housed the abbey's procurator. The current building post-dates ownership by the abbey, however, and it was constructed when the avowson of St Mary's was controlled by Tintern Abbey. The building is referenced in a document of 1585, when it is referred to as "the mansion house belonging to the vicarage of Magor." This accounts for the two alternative names for the ruin, Magor Mansion and The Church House.

Source From: Wikipedia
Redwick Road, Monmouthshire, Wales, United Kingdom, NP26 3HY

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