About Tretheway Block

Historic Architecture, Architecture, Interesting Places, Other Buildings And Structures

The Tretheway Block is a historic commercial building located at 229 E. Weber St. in Stockton, California. The building, which was built in 1892, is noteworthy due to its eclectic architecture. While the building was mainly designed in the Queen Anne style, it also includes Romanesque and Moorish influences. The building's front features three small bays with banded arches in the center and two large bays with partial ribbed domes on the sides; the domes and the banded arches are Moorish elements. The building is topped by a cornice made of corbelled arches and split by four vertical projections, exhibiting the Romanesque influence on the design. Zinc floral ornaments are located on the projections of the cornice and at various places on the bays.

Source From: Wikipedia
114, South Hunter Street, Stockton, San Joaquin County, California, United States of America, 95202

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