About Westerly (Piffard, New York)

Historic Architecture, Architecture, Interesting Places, Other Buildings And Structures

Westerly is a historic home located at Piffard in Livingston County, New York. It was built in 1850 by a local builder named McBride. The two story brick house set on a stone foundation with a hipped roof and widow's walk, is thought to have followed plans in a builders handbook of the period and features subdued Greek Revival characteristics with a hint of Italian Villa design elements. The house was built by prominent early settlers Major and Mrs. William H. Spencer, whose son William Spencer married Julia Tyler, daughter of President John Tyler and Julia Gardiner Tyler in 1869. After her death in 1871, the home was sold to the Wadsworth family.

Source From: Wikipedia
Livingston County, New York, United States of America, 14533

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