About Wilford Suspension Bridge

Historic Architecture, Bridges, Architecture, Interesting Places, Cafes, Foods, Tourist Facilities, Suspension Bridges, Other Buildings And Structures

Wilford Suspension Bridge, also known as Meadows Suspension Bridge, is a combined suspension pedestrian footbridge and aqueduct which crosses the River Trent, linking the town of West Bridgford to the Meadows, in the city of Nottingham, England. It also carries a gas main.

The bridge is owned by Severn Trent Water. It should not be confused with the separate Wilford Toll Bridge.

There is no public right of way along the bridge, and so it can be closed by Severn Trent Water whenever it is deemed expedient to do so.

It is a Grade II listed structure.

Source From: Wikipedia
Lace Market, City of Nottingham, England, United Kingdom, NG2 2JY

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