About Winterthur railway station

Industrial Facilities, Railway Stations, Interesting Places

Winterthur railway station (German: Bahnhof Winterthur or Hauptbahnhof Winterthur) is the principal railway station of the town of Winterthur, in the Swiss canton of Zürich.

The term Hauptbahnhof or HB (for main railway station) is no longer used by Swiss Federal Railways (SBB CFF FFS), the station's owner and operator, but is still sometimes used colloquially. Thus the station's name appears simply as Winterthur on the station signs and on schedule information, but the name Hauptbahnhof is still used for the bus stop in front of the station.

Source From: Wikipedia
7, Neuwiesen, Bahnhofplatz, Winterthur, Bezirk Winterthur, Zürich, Switzerland, 8400

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