About Wycheproof railway station

Railway Stations, Industrial Facilities, Architecture, Historic Architecture, Abandoned Railway Stations, Interesting Places, Destroyed Objects

Wycheproof railway station is a closed railway station on the Kulwin rail line in Wycheproof, Victoria, Australia. The line that runs though the town is unique in Victoria as it runs though the middle of the main street. Freight trains pass through the station on their way to various locations along the line.

The station and platform have recently been renovated, and in 2012 the main building was being offered for commercial lease.

A goods shed is also at the station, as well as 70' long turntable that is in usable condition but booked out of use. K class steam locomotive K167 is also statically preserved in a park nearby.

Source From: Wikipedia
Railway Place, Shire of Buloke, Victoria, Australia, 3527

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