5 Places to Spot Celebrities While Traveling
Celebrity spotting while traveling can be a very exciting and rewarding experience. Providing there are no crowds or hoards of people around, a famous person may take the time to chat with you and sign a photo or piece of paper. While most celebrities do lay low and avoid being noticed, there are some certain places you can go to look for celebrities or other well known faces!
If you are visiting a huge city then go to some of the well known restaurants. For example, L.A. has Pink’s Hot Dog Stand, a well known celebrity hang out. Despite their cheap prices famous people still love getting a delicious one of a kind hot dog from here. Delicious and world famous food usually draws in celebrities! If you know there are celeb dining hot spots in the area, be sure to check them out!
Another great place to look is Vegas and New York City. Most people commonly see famous celebrities in these cities. They are major attractions, especially around the Holiday season when they are doing Christmas performances and shows around the area. NYE is an especially great chance to meet famous performers who will be doing free shows on the Strip, at Time’s Square, and other locations in huge cities around the entire world!
Luxury hotels are also a great spot to see a celebrity. While they may hide out in their hotel room, you can probably sneak a glance or short conversation in the wee hours of the night. Read magazines and web articles that detail your favorite celebrities favorite hotel resorts, and then stay there when you travel! Nothing is guaranteed but it does increase your chances of seeing someone you wouldn’t mind meeting!
If you are into nerdy things then conventions are another great spot. Most big city conventions for Anime, Manga, or Video Games feature the voice actors and designers of those things. You can get autographs and meet some of the biggest names in the business. Conventions are also a prime opportunity to learn a thing or two about behind the scenes action. Most of these artists also do live sketching shows for fans!
If you are traveling outside of the United States then look to the big cities such as London, Tokyo, and Moscow. Resorts and hot destinations in these cities are all great opportunities to spot a celebrity! Bigger cities also have far more people with interesting performers all over the streets.
While you should never travel just for the sole purpose of stalking a celebrity, going to the right places and being there at the right time can have some rewarding benefits! If you have ever dreamed of meeting your favorite singer or actor then be proactive and look around! If you travel often chances are you have already met someone famous at one of the above locations.